ISSN: 2329-9096
+44 1300 500008
Sana Nauman
Dow University of Health Sciences, Pakistan
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: Int J Phys Med Rehabil
Background: Rehabilitation of the hemiplegic arm after stroke represent a major challenge especially in hand functioning and ADL training. Objective: To evaluate impact of Mirror therapy in Stroke patient to improve hand functioning and ADL’s Methods: Experimental study design. This study was conducted at Institute of physical medicine and rehabilitation DOW university of health sciences. We recruited 25 hemiplegic patients through convenience sampling techniques; inclusion criteria for present study was stroke ( 1 year ),age30-60 both male and female, Manual muscle Test Grade at shoulder is 3,modified Ashworth scale is at +2, No severe cognitive impairment (MMSE score >24). and exclude patient with Sensory impairment in U.E,TBI ,modified Ashworth is at 3 and 4,Visual and Auditory Impairment ,Psychological/Perceptual Disorder. All patients were assessed by Fugal-Meyer Assessment Upper Extremity (FMA-UE) for Motor function, Functional Independence Measurement (FIM) for Activities of Daily Living (ADL’s) and Modified Ashworth scale (MAS) scale for muscles spasticity before and after the intervention They received both conventional occupational therapy and modified mirror therapy program, followed for 12 sessions (40-45 minutes per day thrice a week). Protocol followed in modified mirror therapies are active range of motion exercises along with task oriented activities. Results: Subjects for modified mirror therapy group in addition to conventional therapy shows that there is a significant improvement in baseline FMA mean, standard deviation 27.4 ±1.13± after treatment FMA mean, standard deviation 43.57 ± 9.6 with p value 0.0001.There is a significant improvement in baseline FIM score from 35.9 mean, standard deviation 8.5 to FIM after treatment score to 48.92mean, 9.9 standard deviation, markedly change in the spasticity of upper limb.(P=0.025) Conclusion: Modified mirror therapy in addition to conventional rehabilitation program was found to provide additional benefits in upper extremity motor recovery bilateral coordination and hand manipulation in stroke patients.
Sana Nauman earned a BS degree in Occupational Therapy from Dow University of Health Sciences, Karach. She is being work as clinical Occupational Therapist since----years, at Sindh Institute of physical medicine and rehabilitation, Karachi. She worked with multiple disordes and has experties in sensory motor facilitation and neurolical condition. In addition she has involved in EASI project and work with the Ayres Sensory Integration 2020 Vision, participating in pilot testing for the Evaluation in Sensory Integration (EASI) as a tester. She has published 2 papers in reputed journal and few papers are in compiling phase.