Journal of Women's Health Care

Journal of Women's Health Care
Open Access

ISSN: 2167-0420

Increasing incidence of impaired glucose tolerance in young females with unearthed PCOD: An observational study

Joint Event on 8th World Conference on Women’s Health and Breast Cancer & World Congress on Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome and Fertility

December 17-18, 2018 Abu Dhabi, UAE

Raja Selvarajan, Maumita Patra and Vidya Muralidhar

Corona Healthcare, India

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Women's Health Care

Abstract :

Background: Uncontrolled and Undiagnosed diabetes continues to be a global burden on society, governments, HCPs, adding to this has been alarming rise in the incidence of diabetes in young. Many young females with PCOS are unaware of their dysglycemic status. We conducted a screening study to study the prevalence of dysglycemia in young, in and around our clinic with an urban population visitation in Bangalore.

Material and Methods: We prospectively conducted an observation study on 1056 outpatient subjects of both sexes who visited our screening events conducted by Corona Sugars. The age range of the cohort was 18-65 years. A detailed clinical history including family history of Diabetes, Hypertension, smoking /alcohol intake, Occupation status were recorded. Random blood sugars of patients who had not measured their blood glucose levels for at least one year and their anthropometric data were measured.

Results: In our study, out of 1056 screened prevalence of women with impaired glucose tolerance was 461. 51% of them were under the age of 40 and 29% amongst them had PCOD.

Conclusion: Our study showed increasing burden of undiagnosed DM in all age groups, especially in young (18-40), which is alarming. In young females PCOS was the probable contributing factor for development of T2DM along with faulty lifestyle, sedentary extended working hours and urban lifestyle. Early identification of PCOS with dysglycemia, would help to prevent/ delay onset of Diabetes and its related complications.

Biography :

Raja Selvarajan an eminent consultant physician & Diabetologist an Alumnus from M.S.Ramiah medical college, bangalore persuaded post-graduation, MDInternal medicine, further to which he obtained a post graduate diploma in diabetology. He served as an associate consultant -internal medicine & diabetology in BGS global hospital in bangalore, then at global hospital and health city at chennai. Later continued, as consultant physician & diabetologist with apollo group of hospitals, to cater specialty services in the field of diabetology. He has the special interest in the Epidemiology of Diabetes, Epidemiology, Gestational Diabetes and Diabetes in young. He Received national award at RSSDI 2013, the most prestigious diabetes conference in India.


