Internal Medicine: Open Access

Internal Medicine: Open Access
Open Access

ISSN: 2165-8048

+44 1300 500008

Index of nutritional status and lifestyle assessment (INS): The first validate composite index relating lifestyle to chronic diseases risk

International Conference on Internal Medicine

October 31-November 02, 2016 San Francisco, USA

Filomena Pietrantonio and Luca Traini

Sant'Eugenio Hospital, Italy
Sapienza University of San Francisco, USA

Posters & Accepted Abstracts: Intern Med

Abstract :

Background & Aim: International guidelines demonstrate the importance of nutrition and lifestyle as risk factors in chronic diseases (CD). In order to validate the INS first realized through a pilot study in the race Strafadoi Lazio, the same questionnaire (CRF) was administered to a total of 157 athletes during 3 races in 2014. Methods: CRF was realized to identify, through a composite index, modifiable risk factors in causing CD taking into account: Weight, diet and physical activity. Weight was measured using BMI according to the WHO stratification, physical activity as weekly frequency and average activity duration. Foods were evaluated qualitatively enhancing their effect on metabolism and food combination. Results: INS was calculated by multiplying: Nutrition index, BMI index and physical activity index. Maximum INS value is 0.92 stratified in 4 ranges between 0.01 and 0.92 (very low - low high - very high ). The athlete sample, selecting individuals with normal BMI, doing regularly exercise and following balanced diet, shows high INS value: 0.47-0.69 (75% of the sample) and very high value: 0.69-0.92 (23%). INS seems to be direct correlate with physical activity index (moderate direct correlation: 0.756) and less linked to nutritional index (0.408) and to BMI Index (0.472). Conclusions: The INS is the first composite index that combines nutritional status with other factors such as BMI and diet. The validation shows how it can be able to relate adequately to fundamental health determinants and can be a useful tool in evaluation of CD risk factors.

Biography :

Filomena Pietrantonio has completed her Medical degree from Catholic University of the Sacred Heart of Rome and has completed Residencies in Internal Medicine (Catholic University of Sacred Heart, Rome), Clinical Psychology (University “Sapienza” of Rome) and Cardiology (Torvergata University of Rome). She is the Co-Director in Internal Medicine Department in Sant’Eugenio Hospital in San Francisco, USA. She has published 28 papers in reputed journals and has been serving as an Editorial Board Member of International Journal of Community & Family Medicine.

