ISSN: 2167-0412
+44 1300 500008
Abdul Khader
Abhi Ayur Holistic Health Care and Research Center, India
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: Med Aromat Plants
Infective skin disease - inflamatory bullous eruptions are a group of rare, acquired disorders characterized by overlapping features, resistance to treatment, and bothersome with toxic symptoms. They need quick and proper management to avoid complications. Ayurveda is found to provide better relief in skin disorders. Herein, we report a 52 year old female of infective bullous skin disorder (Visphotaka) which was subsequently treated with Ayurvedic medicines and achieved complete remission. Case study: â?¢ Chandrika aged about 52 yrs female home maker, 18-7-18, reddish discolouration on b/l fore hands along with bullous eruption, itching, pus discharge, burning sensation, pain with swelling and fever since 5 days â?¢ A 52 year old, non-diabetic Female patient, working as home maker was presented with 5 days history of persistent extensive redness, severe pain, burning, non foul smelling, serous oozing from lesions and disturbed sleep.The clinical signs and symptoms like erythema, urticaria surrounding the bullae, tense bullae and settled hemorrhagic blisters(?bullous pemphigoid-epidermolysis bullosa -cellulitis) â?¢ H/o cervical spondylsis, obesity, giddiness, vomiting, tastelessness since 6 months it was treated symptomatically with ayurvedic treatments. Conclusion: treating skin diseases in acute condition is not easy task, right anyalsis at right time, herbomineral medicines has capacity to combat acute skin manifestations.
Abdul Khader has 13 years of academic knowledge with Holistic medicine. He is the Founder and Medical Director of Abhi Ayur Holistic Health Care and Research Center, Bangalore, India.