ISSN: 2155-9880
+44 1300 500008
Z R Khaybullina and L M Akhmedjanova
Republican Surgery Center, Uzbekistan
Posters-Accepted Abstracts: J Clin Exp Cardiolog
Heterogeneity of initiation of the system inflammatory answer at an atherosclerosis causes necessity of studying factors of an inflammation and its correlation with traditional metabolic disorders at an atherosclerosis of various localizations. Materials and methods: Proteins of acute phase of an inflammation â?? CRP, fibrinogen, general blood count and markers of oxidizing stress â?? Malondialdehyde (MDA) and katalase activity are analyzed at 30 patients with a Peripheral (in iliac-femoral arterial pool) Atherosclerosis (PA) and at 43 patients with Coronary Atherosclerosis (CA). CRP and routine biochemical tests (lipidomic panel, total protein, albumin, uric acid) are made in automatic biochemical analyzer â??VITROS-350â? (Germany). Results: It is established, that all patients have high level of CRP, MDA and uric acid (more, then 2 times concerning the control). At PA patients high CRP level was accompanied with high number of WBC (r=62, p > 0, 05), with young forms (6, 9?± 0, 4%), increasing of fibrinogen on 16%, decreasing of albumin on 25% concerning the control. At CA patients CRP increasing associated with degree of metabolic disorders: CRP/glucose (r=0,9, p > 0,05), CRP/Triglycerides (r=0,8, p > 0,05), and strong oxidative stress (CRP/MDA r=0,6 ). There was found correlation between CRP and body mass index, CRP and systolic blood pressure (SBP) at CA patients. WBC and young forms number were comparable to the control. Conclusion: This data suggest that the inflammation at PA is acute, due to local inflammatory reaction of peripheral tissues after chronic ischemia. At CÐ inflammation is low grade, but closely connected with metabolic disorders.