ISSN: 2157-7013
+44 1300 500008
Annette Schmidt, Horst Thiermann and Dirk Steinritz
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Cell Sci Ther
For chlorambucil related substances a destructive eff ect on endothelial precursor cells was shown. Th ese cells have been shown to play a pivotal role in the wound healing reaction by inducing neovascularisation. However, for the alkylating agent chlorambucil nothing is known about its eff ects on endothelial precursors. Th erefore, we investigated and compared the infl uence of chlorambucil on proliferation, apoptosis and diff erentiation of endothelial cells in intact mouse embryoid bodies (EB). EBs were treated at diff erent developmental stages and with diff erent periods of chlorambucil treatment. It was found that in each developmental stage and under each treatment period?s chlorambucil has an extremely negative eff ect on the vascularisation with a vessel reduction of around 99%. Of particular importance was the negative eff ect of treatment around day 3 of the development. On this day we found 377 vessels under control conditions but only 1.6 vessels under 24h treatment of chlorambucil. At this point in time many endothelial precursors can be found in the EB. Moreover, a negative eff ect on all stem cells was evident at this point in time, shown by an extreme reduction in EB size with 17.9 mm 2 for the control and only 1.55 mm 2 under chlorambucil treatment. Th is negative eff ect on the vascularization, on endothelial precursors but also on stem cells in general is of possible importance for impaired wound healing.
Annette Schmidt made her MSc in Biology at the University of Cologne, Germany. She fi nished her PhD in 2003 with a special focus on vasculo- and angiogenesis at the Institute of Anatomy, University Hospital of Cologne. Subsequently she worked as a senior scientist in the fi eld of molecular sport medicine at the German Sport University with a special focus to stem cell biology. After three years in a biotech company she is now working as senior scientist at the Institute for Toxicology and Pharmacology in Munich, Germany. She published 43 articles and acts as reviewer for several cell biology journals.