Journal of Aeronautics & Aerospace Engineering

Journal of Aeronautics & Aerospace Engineering
Open Access

ISSN: 2168-9792


INTA thermal control design to MXGS instrument for the ASIM payload

3rd International Conference and Exhibition on Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering

October 05-07, 2015 San Francisco, USA

V Eiriz, J Azcue, J A Mart�?­n, M Reina, L Sabau-Graziati, J Ma Rodrigo and V Reglero

INTA, Spain IPL University of Valencia, Spain

Posters-Accepted Abstracts: J Aeronaut Aerospace Eng

Abstract :

INTA is a partner of the Spanish consortium on the MXGS (Modular X-Ray and Gamma-Ray Sensor) Instrument, part of the ASIM (Atmospheric Space Interactions Monitor) ESA Mission to be assembled on the Columbus Module of the ISS (International Space Station). MXGS is designed to detect Terrestrial Gamma Flashes (TGF) due to high energy phenomena in the upper atmosphere layers, which sources and physics are the mission objectives. Low and Medium energy detectors with space heritage (two detectors assemblies, one with CZT and another of BGO detectors), and a code mask at front of the instrument, provide imaging capabilities for TGF location. All instrument subsystems are mounted in the mechanical housing. A variable environment due to the ISS orbit and attitudes, with tight temperature requirements, are challenging the instrument thermal control. Mass and envelope budget are the constraints for the structural, integration, tests and verification activities. During Phases C/D, INTA is responsible for the Product Assurance (PA) on the Spanish contribution; Assembly, Integration, Verification and Test (AIVT) activities for the MXGS STM (Structural Thermal Model) and PFM (Proto Flight Model) models; the Thermal Control Subsystem development; and also participates in the Scientific Program definition. The Payloads and Instrumentation Area at INTA has designed a thermal control subsystem based on passive and active thermal control systems. The Passive Thermal Control System consists of LHP (Loop Heat Pipes), AGHP (Axial Groove Heat Pipes), coating finish, MLI (Multi-Layer Insulation) for radiative insulation, Titanium thermal washers for conductive insulation and radiators. The Active Thermal Control System is composed of heaters, thermostats and thermal sensors. Some conclusions from the thermal analysis are shown, together with test results of the LHP Technological Model developed during the Phase B studies, and the advantages of such kind of thermal design.

Biography :

V Eiriz has completed her studies in 2005 in Physics specializing in Material Physics at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Spain). She started her professional activities working as Optical Engineer at LINES (Space Instrumentation Laboratory) at INTA performing optical characterization test, alignment test and integration and test procedures for different optical sub-systems for the MIRI-MTS project (James Webb Space Telescope). At present, she is working at GISCU (payload engineering group) belonging to INTA (Spanish National Institute of Aerospace Technology) working as AIVT (Assembly, Integration, Verification and Test) engineer for ASIM-MXGS project.

