ISSN: 2161-0665
+44 1478 350008
JingHui Yang, Winnie Goh, Rajni Parasurum, Valerie Goh, G Dip, LinXin Ong and Oh Moh Chay
KK Womens and Childrens Hospital, Singapore
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: Pediatr Ther
Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES) are known to impact child health and development as well as future adult health. Kids Integrated Development Service 0-3 (KIDS0-3) is a pilot preventive early intervention program to mitigate impact of ACES from pregnancy till the child turns 3 years old. The program aims to deliver an integrated health and social home visiting program through a trans-disciplinary key-worker model. The key worker is the point of contact in equipping families with skills in parent-child interaction, monitors child health and development and to detect early signs of child neglect. Standardized tools are used for screening of maternal mental health and monitoring of childā??s developmental progress. The target populations are low income families with multiple risk factors. Familiesā?? risk factors are assessed by the Family Advocacy and Support Tool (FAST) and ACES check-list that helps communicate the complexity of the families. After which, a team of professionals comprising pediatricians, social workers, nurses, community health visitors and allied health professionals support the key worker in the trans-disciplinary skills. The trans-disciplinary skilled worker is well placed to detect the presence of early signs of infant emotional and physical neglect. KIDS 0-3 collaborate with Child Protection Services (CPS) in using a common tool, Sector Specific Screening Guide (SSSG) and Child Abuse Reporting Guide (CARG) for assessing risk factors in the family environment. By applying this tool, CPS can take appropriate action and work with the KIDS0-3 team or community supporting agencies to step up infant protection strategies. In this paper, we illustrate how an integrated health and social service for families at risk of neglect and abuse is implemented through a trans-disciplinary key-worker approach. To ensure the healthy development of our future generation, the pediatricians need to understand the social determinant of health factors and skills to practice preventive medicine and advocacy.
Yang JH graduated from NUS with an MBBS in 2005, and continued to pursue her passion in Paediatrics with various rotations in KKH and SGH. She completed her specialty training in Paediatrics in June 2014. She won the “Best Houseman Award” for her posting in General Surgery, CGH in 2006 and the “Singhealth Service from the Heart Silver Award” for her work in KKH in 2012 and 2016. She is currently working as a consultant in the Department of General and Ambulatory Paediatrics. She is also contributing to the Kids Integrated Development Service (KIDS 0-3). This is a programme aimed at equipping mothers and children from vulnerable families to have the knowledge and skills for a good start in early childhood. This is in partnership with the Early Childhood Development Agency, Ministry of Social and Family Development, under the kidSTART programme. The journey with KIDS 0-3 has ignited an interest in early childhood development and community paediatrics. The exposure has given her an insight into how we can fashion our paediatric landscape, with good partnership with our primary care providers, as well as the early childhood professionals. She looks forward to greater collaboration, with a view to develop community paediatrics in Singapore