ISSN: 2167-0420
Cevriye Ocaktan, Sema Dereli Yilmaz and Yasemin Erkal Aksoy
Selcuk University, Turkey
Posters & Accepted Abstracts: J Women's Health Care
Objective: The main objective of this study was planned to evaluate emotional intelligence and emotional self-efficacy levels of midwifery students. Materials & Methods: The universe of the study consisted of 410 students who have been studying in the Department of Midwifery in a University. Three hundred and eighteen (318) students who agreed to participate in the research from 28th May to 07th June 2018 were included in the sample without sample selection. In the research, "Personal Information Form", "The Emotional Intelligence Scale" and "The Emotional Self-Efficacy Scale" were used as data collection tools. Questions that would reveal the identities of the participants were not included in the data collection tools. Institutional permission was obtained in order to carry out the research, the participants were informed about the research and their written consents were taken prior to the data collection. Findings: The average age of midwifery students (n=318) was 20.42±1.44 in the study. Of the students, 96.8% were single, 60.2% have been living in a dormitory, 33% have been living with their families and 79.6% had a nuclear family. Among the students who willingly chose the Department of Midwifery (68.1%), 28.3% have chosen since they liked the department, 17.9% have chosen since the profession is related to health, and 16.1% have chosen since their exam score was sufficient only for this department. The average score of midwifery students from the Emotional Intelligence Assessment Scale was 128.37±29.58. When the sub-dimensions of the scale were examined; the average scores of awareness of emotions, control of emotions, self-action, empathy and social skills were 23.63±6.06, 26.72±7.12, 26.17±6.98, 26.24±6.75 and 25.59±6.58, respectively. The average Emotional Self-Efficacy Scale score was calculated as 117.67±21.77. In our study, there was a correlation determined between the total Emotional Intelligence Assessment Scale score and the total Emotional Self-Efficacy Scale score of students (r=0.480, p=0.00). Results: In conclusion, there is a correlation between emotional intelligence assessment and emotional self-efficacy of students. Development of emotional intelligence skills in midwifery students becomes more of an issue for the increase of good quality care in midwifery profession, which is continually in communication with individuals. To support the development of emotional selfefficacy and emotional intelligence of midwifery students, programs such as communication skills, empathy, emotional intelligence skills training should be planned and included in undergraduate education.