Orthopedic & Muscular System: Current Research

Orthopedic & Muscular System: Current Research
Open Access

ISSN: 2161-0533


Is the single posterior surgical approach effective for the treatment of tuberculous spondylitis?

8th annual Conference on Orthopedics, Rheumatology, Osteoporosis

JULY 12, 2022 | WEBINAR

M A Benzemrane*, K Allache, L Abed, N Kadir and T Hamdaoui

University Hospital of Douera, Algeria

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: Orthop Muscular Syst

Abstract :

Pott's disease poses a real public health problem in Algeria both in terms of its frequency and its severity. The aim of our work is to evaluate the effectiveness of surgery by the posterior approach alone in the management of tuberculous spondylodiscitis at the stage of complications. Our descriptive and retrospective study concerns 41 cases of dorsolumbar Pott's disease, operated in the orthopedic surgery department "B" at Douéra university hospital center, between January 2011 and July 2021. All patients received a single posterior surgery combining decompression, stabilization and posterolateral grafting. The average age of the patients was 41 years, with a clear female predominance (63.2%). The neurological deficit was present in 73% of cases but of different severity. The localization was dorsal in 21 cases, dorsolumbar in 14 cases, and lumbar in 6 cases. All patients had spinal instability, 65% of which had kyphosis deformity. Half of the patients did not have bacteriological evidence at the time of the intervention. Posterior arthrodesis alone was performed in all patients, associated with neurological decompression in 75%. Of the 30 cases with neurological disorders 18 patients recovered. 80% of the deformations have been improved. Bone fusion was obtained in 92% of patients, no revision surgery was noted. Tuberculosis chemotherapy combined with single posterior approach surgery was effective in the management of tuberculous spondylodiscitis, because it allowed, on its own, to control the infection, to correct the spinal statics and also to improve the neurological status of these patients.

Biography :

M A Benzemrane completed his doctorate at the age of 28 at the Faculty of Medicine of Blida, Algeria. He is an orthopedic surgeon at the University Hospital of Douera. He is interested in spinal pathology and more particularly in tuberculous spondylodiscitis. He has more than 6 publications and cited in more than 15 articles.
