ISSN: 2161-0517
Rasouli Farzad and Mottallebiazaralireza
University of Maraghe, Iran
Posters & Accepted Abstracts: Virol Mycol
Despite the long cultivation and importance of Agaricus bisporus, but efforts in breeding of this species are minimal. One of the major reasons for the little efforts is the life cycle. Because of the life cycle the cross cannot happen between single spores of different strains. So variation in Agaricus bisporus is very low and most of strains that are available in the markets are very similar. One of the ways to make variation is using mutagens like UV irradiation, we selected A15 strain that is one of the important strains in Iran. We used three methods for mutagenesis of A. bisporus. In the first method fragments of mycelium were plated on PDA medium and then were placed under irradiation for eight exposure periods (0, 4, 8, 16, 24, 48, 72 and 96 hours). In the second method spore suspension was exposed under UV radiation for 6 exposures (0, 60, 90, 120, 180 and 240 minutes). After irradiation each exposure 1 ml of the spore suspension was plated on PDA medium and spread on the medium by shaking of plates. Third 1 ml of sterile spore suspension was first plated on PDA medium and spread them on the medium and immediately exposed to UV radiation for 6 variable periods (0, 1, 5, 10, 20 and 40 minutes). All of the samples in three methods irradiated by UV lamp 10 W at a distance of 10 cm. In this research time required to spawn running, pin production and harvest, fruit body number, fruit body size, yield, biological efficiency (BE), antioxidant activity, activities of peroxidase, catalase, polyphenol oxidase, laccase and manganese peroxidase enzymes were evaluated. Considering the fact that our main aim in this research was making diversity in A. bisporus, the results showed all of the methods were successful. In all the traits that mentioned above, variation or some probable mutants were found. Results showed the most variation found in protein content and the minimum of variation was found in dry weight and ash. Above all we archived to pick out one mutated isolate in the exposure of 24 hours in first methods was different in gill morphology, the rate of spawn running and it cannot produce spores. It is the first report that one spore less isolate of Agaricus bisporus introduced. This study shows that mutagenesis by UV can be useful and a quick way method to make diversity and help to progress of A. bisporus breeding.