ISSN: 2155-9570
Nihal Abdel Fatah Elghryany and Yehia M Salah El-Din
Cairo University, Egypt
Posters & Accepted Abstracts: J Clin Exp Ophthalmol
Purpose: To evaluate demarcation line, K readings and corneal thickness 3 months after accelerated pulsed corneal cross linking in patients with keratoconus. Setting: Eye Care Center, Maadi, Cairo. Methods: In this prospective, interventional, clinical study, patients with grades 1-2 keratoconus (Amsler-Krumeich classification) underwent epithelium off pulsed accelerated (30mW/cm2) (Avedro Inc., Waltham, MS, USA) CXL for 8 minutes (1 second on/ 1 second off) after application of an isotonic riboflavin solution (0.1%) with HPMC (hydroxyl propyl methylcellulose, HPMC; VibeX Rapid, Avedro Inc., Waltham, MS, USA) for 10 minutes. Corneal imaging (CSO Sirius) was done before and 3 months after the treatment. Anterior segment OCT was done 3 months after the treatment. Results: This study included twenty eyes of 14 patients, 4 males and 10 females. Mean age is 30 years. Mean preoperative flattest K (K1) was 47.97 D while mean post operative K1 is 47.6 D. Mean preoperative steepest K (K2) was 51.15 D while mean post operative K2 is 50.7 D. Mean preoperative central corneal thickness (CCT) was 486 microns, postoperative CCT is 469.9 microns. Demarcation line is easily detected in 17 eyes of 12 patients, mean depth is 199.5 microns. Conclusion: Accelerated pulsed cross linking causes a decrease in the K readings and the central corneal thickness. Apoptotic effect demonstrated by corneal demarcation line can be detected at depth of 199.5 microns.