ISSN: 2167-0412
+44 1300 500008
Russell Smart
Counties Manukau District Health Board, New Zealand
Posters & Accepted Abstracts: Med Aromat Plants
Kawawkawa is one of New Zealandâ??s most distinctive native plants lives up to this common dictum as an herbal pharmacopoeia with a wide range of health benefits. The plant is aromatic and is commonly known as the pepper tree. This presentation will depict the use of kawakawa in traditional and modern herbal medicine. It will explore the biochemical nature of the known pharmacologically active compounds to help explain the wide ranging medicinal uses of this small evergreen shrub-like tree with large heart-shaped leaves.
Russell Smart has completed his Fellowship of the Royal New Zealand, College of General Practitioners. He currently works at Middlemore Hospital and has an interest in traditional Maori medicine Rongoā; medicinal use of plants.