Gynecology & Obstetrics

Gynecology & Obstetrics
Open Access

ISSN: 2161-0932

Laparoscopic approach of retrorectal cyst

International Conference on Womens Health, Gynecology & Obstetrics

July 08-10, 2014 Chicago NorthShore, USA

Amal Al Fana

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: Gynecol Obstet (Sunnyvale)

Abstract :

Background: Aretrorectal cyst are rare and bening lesions in presacral space which frequently diagnosed in middle aged females. Short term benefits of laparoscopic resection of such cyst and high light the technical challenges and intraoperative difficulties that encountered in laparosocpic excision. Methods: We report here a retrorectal cyst that managed with laparoscopic approach .although accurate diagnosed were missed by ultrasonography. CT and MRI are mandatory to establish the diagnosis. There was no postoperative morbidity or mortaility. Results: Our case shows that laparoscopic approach in managment of retrorectal cyst is safe approach. Its excellent tool for perfect visualization of deep structures and reduced surgical trauma. Hence we review literature to support this the laparosocpic approach through the electronic PubMed search for articles. Conslusion: The laparosocpic approach is reported as a safe and effective option for retrorectal cyst with advantage of a magnifying effect in the narrow pelvis.

Biography :

Amal Al Fana was a 38 year old consultant Gynecologist at Armed Forces Hospital. She got her medical degree from Sultan Quaboos University, and specilization at Arab Board Medical After specialization she did fellowship program at MIGS Switzerland. She was a member at Gynec Swiss society, member of IAPS, also a member of Omani -Obstetric &Gynecology Society.
