Journal of Women's Health Care

Journal of Women's Health Care
Open Access

ISSN: 2167-0420

Lifestyle, nutrition, relationship & infertility

Joint Event on 8th World Conference on Women’s Health and Breast Cancer & World Congress on Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome and Fertility

December 17-18, 2018 Abu Dhabi, UAE

Mili Sarkar

Ghalib University, Afganisthan

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Women's Health Care

Abstract :

The inability of achieve pregnancy after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse or due to a diagnosed physical abnormality of the reproductive system; blocked fallopian tubes & main factor high levels of fertilization failures or early developmental death, spontaneous abortion is one of natureā??s ways to counter negative genetic & environmental factors. Lifestyle habits affecting fertility, environmental effects - environmental chemical, behavioural factors, sexual transmitted diseases, nutrition, and life style. Infertility caused by environmental factors.

Introduction: This article will focus on the evidence surrounding common lifestyle factors such as weight, exercise, substance use, diet, vitamin & antioxidant supplementation, & stress & their effects on fertility. Body mass index (BMI) & weight are closely related to reproductive function. In a study investigating lifestyle factors, time to conception increased in both overweight (BMI >35 kg/m2) & underweight (BMI <19 kg/m2) individuals, higher BMI associated with In vitro fertilization higher BMI is also associated with negative outcomes for patients undergoing in vitro fertilization (IVF)

Exercise: Exercise performed in different amounts & frequencies has varying effects on male & female fertility. Extreme exercise may lead to anovulation & infertility, however, compared to women who did not exercise, diet & nutrition: The optimal fertility diet has yet to be established, & the effects of nutritional factors on fertility, dietary modifications have been shown to improve ovulatory disorder infertility.

Relationship: The purpose of the relationship stage is to develope rapport between the couple & Doctor /counsellor in order to allow the couple to feel understood. Also psychological & psychiatric problems in relation to: The menstrual cycle gynecological problems & illness emotional disorders co-morbid with endocrine problems.

Conclusions: All patients should be encouraged to strive for a healthy, sustainable lifestyle. In areas where there is clear evidence that the lifestyle behaviour may impact fertility, such as smoking, the patient should be encouraged to modify behaviour.

Biography :

Mili Sarkar has completed her MBBS, MD (AFC), and she is a worked as clinical researcher in certified human genetic, clinical research & trail, IVF / hospital project head, in feni hospital & laparoscopic institute, Bangladesh. She is also a worked as Senior Advisor of “CPHFS” Central Publish Health & Food Safety, India. She achieved international global achiever award / multi-talented award and served as keynote speaker for the international conference at Sri Lanka 2016, rashtrawad patrakarita global achiever award in health care, & sahitya conference, Thailand-2017. Published articles & blogs in health times, via media newsletter, awarded by Rxpharma, Equinox Lab.


