Journal of Hematology & Thromboembolic Diseases

Journal of Hematology & Thromboembolic Diseases
Open Access

ISSN: 2329-8790

+44 1478 350008

Link ImmunoTherapy in healing mechanism of Prolonged medical Starvaticon 42 - 45 days with very small dosage and weak cytotoxic substances

Joint Event on 19th World Hematology Congress & 11th International Conference and Exhibition on Advanced Cell and Gene Therapy

March 15-16, 2021 | London, UK

Michali Ponizovsky

Head of Labaratory of Biochemistry Toxicology, Ukraine

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Hematol Thrombo Dis

Abstract :

Treatment by “Prolonged medical Starvation (during 42-45 days)” causes considerable decrease almost of all depots of an organism exhausting organism’s fat and hydrocarbonic depots leading to competition between cancer tissue and an organism for use of remained decreased depot. Protective forces of the organism become stronger due to support with herbal extracts, delivering vitamins and microelements into organism. Increase of fat metabolism from fat depot leads to augmentation GPX and PHGPX in all cells of an organism which neutralize redundant superoxide [O*] and ROS/H2O2/free radicals in G1/S phases cellular cycle of cancer cells cycle suppressing excessive proliferative processes of cancer cells. It causes elimination irrepressible proliferative processes and cancer cells’ depression. Thus influences Link ImmunoTherapy in healing mechanism of “Prolonged medical Starvaticon 42 – 45 days with very small dosage weak cytotoxic substances” on depressed cancer cells promote penetration through cellular walls of cancer cells the anticancer antibodies against oncoviral substances for suppression Mitosis-Meiosis phase of cancer cellular cycle where haploid Meiosis phase of viral cellular cycle is deprived. Expression Mitosis cellular cycles of all cells incite T lymphocytes via appearance produced immunoglobulins CTLA-4 and PD- 1, and resonance waves of cellular capacitors T memory cells learn and remember waves function of viral substances containing in separated haploid Meiosis phase. T memory cells exert T helper cells, and T helper cells stimulate T killer cells for production antibodies against cancer viral substances which is deprived barriering covalent bonds between Mitosis and Meiosis causing loss viral stem cells function.Thus therapeutic targets of new method cancer treatment using combination immunotherapy with small dosage weak cytotoxic substances prevent recurrence of cancer disease after long anticancer chemotherapy and resistance to anticancer drugs versus intensive anticancer chemotherapy with great dosage of cytotoxic drugs and is more efficient than modern methods cancer treatments with great dosage cytotoxic drugs.
