ISSN: 2167-0420
Jamila Abuidhail
Hashemite University, Jordan
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Women's Health Care
Introduction: In Jordan, as other countries, there is over-use of treatments that were originally designed to manage complications of labour and birth. However, many healthy women and newborns become exposed to the side effects of unnecessary interventions, which are used routinely as limited mobility in labour, episiotomy, and caesarean section. Aim: The aim of the present study is to explore the extent of the application of evidence-based practices in the maternal and newborn clinical settings from professional view: midwives, nurses, and physicians. To identify the barriers to change in the maternal and newborn care practices from the health care providersâ?? perspectives. Materials & Methods: A general qualitative design was used to explore health care providersâ?? perspectives regarding evidence- based practices in the maternal and newborn clinical settings. Data collection methods were mainly semi-structured interviews with the participants and observation. All interviews were audio recorded, then transcribed verbatim and translated into the English language. Findings: Findings of this study were summarized in four main themes that described the application of evidence-based practices in the maternal and newborn clinical settings. These themes are: (1) limited resources (human, financial and infrastructures); (2) work bureaucracy in Ministry of Health and its affiliated hospitals; (3) social and cultural influences; (4) lack of evidencebased research environment. Conclusion: There is weak application of evidence-based practices in the maternal and newborn clinical settings in government hospitals in Jordan. This is because of many obstacles and limited resources.
Jamila Abuidhail is an Associate Professor at Maternal, Child and Family Health Care Nursing Department/ Faculty of Nursing- The Hashemite University in Jordan. I earned my Ph.D in Maternal and Child Health Care from Glasgow Caledonian University/ UK in 2008. My M.Sc. She has been working on projects about exclusive breastfeeding to enhance the prevalence of exclusive breastfeeding among Jordanian women and to decrease the barriers that prevent practicing exclusive breastfeeding. Another project regarding antenatal and postnatal breastfeeding education among Jordanian mothers. The current project is about application of evidence- based maternal and newborn practices in the labor room in Jordanian hospitals.