Clinical & Experimental Cardiology

Clinical & Experimental Cardiology
Open Access

ISSN: 2155-9880

+44 1300 500008

MicroRNA let-7c regulates heart regeneration after cryoinjury in adult zebrafish

3rd World Heart Congress

April 19-20, 2018 Amsterdam, Netherlands

Suneeta Narumanchi

Minerva Institute for Medical Research, Finland

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Clin Exp Cardiology

Abstract :

Introduction: Micro-RNAs are short, noncoding RNA molecules that regulate gene expression. Micro-RNA let-7c has an important role in cardiac regeneration and remodelling after myocardial infarction in mice. Understanding the role of let-7c in regeneration of zebrafish heart remains incomplete. Methods: Antagomir injections were used to knockdown Let-7c, while injections of scramble RNA were used as control in adult zebrafish. The apex of the ventricle was cooled with a metal probe dipped in liquid nitrogen, this procedure kills cardiomyocytes and mimics myocardial infarction. Knockdown of let-7c was confirmed with qPCR. Cardiac function was followed with cardiac ultrasound before the cryoinjury and after the cryoinjury at day 1, 1 week, 2 weeks, 3 weeks and 4 weeks. Fractional volume shortening (FVS) of the ventricle was found to be the most reliable and repeatable method to quantify cardiac function. Heart, liver and kidney samples were collected at 2 weeks and 4 weeks for qPCR, Acid Fuchsine Orange G staining and immunohistochemistry with proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA). Results: Let-7c antagomir treatment resulted in faster recovery of cardiac function and improved regeneration after cryoinjury compared to control treatment. FVS returned to pre-cryoinjury levels (35.74%�?±1.01%) in let-7c antagomir fish three weeks after cryoinjury (29.92 %�?±1.9%, P=0.053), whereas, FVS was comparable to pre-cryoinjury levels at 4 weeks (29.18 %�?±0.63%, P=0.052) in the control fish. Let-7c antagomir fish had lower fibrin% (8.64 %�?±2.20, P=0.039) in the injured area at four weeks compared to control fish (19.67%�?±4.26). Collagen accumulation started earlier in the let-7c antagomir fish indicating a faster recovery. At 2 weeks fibrin/collagen% was greater in let-7c antagomir fish compared to control fish (43.16%�?± 4.87 vs. 29.98%�?±3.97, P=0.05). Immunohistochemistry with PCNA revealed a trend of higher proliferating cardiomyocytes in the antagomir group at two weeks. Conclusion: Inhibition of Let-7c improved cardiac regeneration after cryoinjury in adult zebrafish.

Biography :

Suneeta Narumanchi is currently a PhD student in Ilkka Tikkanen’s Group, Minerva, Biomedicum 2U, from December 2013. She has worked as a Researcher at Department of Biochemistry, University Of Helsinki, Carl Gahmberg’s lab in Feb 2010 – May 2012. She also published many articles some of them are sept7b is required for the subcellular organization of cardiomyocytes and cardiac function in zebra fish (* in thesis), Microbes in the Treatment of Diabetes and Its Complications etc.
