Journal of Women's Health Care

Journal of Women's Health Care
Open Access

ISSN: 2167-0420

Mikopil (miniature contraceptive pill): As the props of family planning counseling

4th World Congress on Midwifery and Womens Health

July 20-22, 2017 Melbourne, Australia

Binta Fadhilatul Ningrum, Nabila A T, Puput Ayu W and Ineke W

Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Women's Health Care

Abstract :

Background: Contraceptive pill is the second most common contraceptive method after injecting method in Indonesia. Contraceptive pills have a high effectiveness with a success rate about 99% if it is consumed following the rules. One of fail factor of contraceptive pills usage is not obeying consumption rules. Obedience is defined as how far consuming the pills according to the rules which are given by health personnel. Therefore, the distribution quality of CIE (counseling, information and education) determines the success of pill consumption in carrying out family planning programs. The quality of counseling by health professionals must be taught in college, however nowadays the props which is used by the students is usually the original birth control pills that cannot be purchased by freely and it is quite expensive for students. This condition has restricted the students to practice using the props. Objective: Mikopil (Miniature Contraceptive Pill) is created as a props solution for students and health professionals to improve their skills in counseling, information and education about the pill contraceptive methods. Methods: This program used experiment methods to create miniature contraceptive pill as attractive and handy key chain. The main ingredient of Mikopil is acrylic. The success of this experiment is assessed by indicators of student interest in using Mikopil. Results: Mikopil successfully created in interesting shapes according to plan. Students who had counseling practice on contraceptive counseling feel interested and helped by the Mikopil. Conclusion: Mikopil is very useful for midwifery students because it helps students to practice the skills to provide counseling on contraceptive pills to consume. The success in counseling will greatly affect the success of contraceptive pills usage.

Biography :

Binta Fadhilatul Ningrum began to show interest in healthcare when she started her study in College in Midwifery at Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia. She was a Project Officer in Collaborative Midwifery Update which held on November 2016 by WHO (World Health Organization) feat IKAMABI (Indonesia Midwifery Student Organization).

