Anesthesia & Clinical Research

Anesthesia & Clinical Research
Open Access

ISSN: 2155-6148

Monitoring of urine output in surgical wards, while indicated or planned

Joint Event on 2nd World Congress on Surgeons & 12th International Conference on Anesthesiology and Critical Care

November 11-12, 2019 | Istanbul, Turkey

Mohammad M R Miah

Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham, UK

Posters & Accepted Abstracts: J Anesth Clin Res

Abstract :

Acute renal failure or Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) is defined by an acute decline of Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR). Occurrence of AKI is associated with substantial in-hospital mortality, exceeding 50% when AKI is part of a multiple organ failure syndrome. Therefore, early recognition of AKI, better understanding of its pathogenesis and development of preventing strategies appear to be potential areas of improvement of patient's prognosis. Urine output often is used as a marker of AKI but also to guide fluid resuscitation in critically ill patients. The aim was to find out the number of patients who underwent major surgery or advised by the physician to monitor UO do they have urine output monitoring in place? Prospective data were collected over 2 weeks by patients’ record review and bedside examination. All the patients who were admitted between 28th of May and 10th of June 2018 and were planned or indicated for UO monitoring were included. Total 77 patients were surveyed, 39 patients had plan in place for urine output monitoring; among them 27 patients had urine output accurately monitored. Surprisingly there were additional 7 patients found who had urine output monitored even there was no plan and all of them were catheterized. Total number of catheterized patients was 26 and unfortunately, 3 of them did not have their urine output monitored. Decrease urine output is common among critically ill patients and can mirror a decrease in creatinine clearance. In hypovolemic states, prompt fluid resuscitation is needed to prevent further deterioration of renal function. Furthermore, systemic inflammation can induce natriuresis and diuresis changes due to functional changes unrelated to hypoperfusion, histological or tubular damage.

Biography :

Mohammad M R Miah has completed his MRCS in 2016 from Royal College of Surgeons of England. He is working in Surgery as a middle grade Surgeon under NHS England. He has completed multiple audits and quality improvement project as a lead Auditor and presented in many national and international conferences.
