Journal of Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology

Journal of Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology
Open Access

ISSN: 2155-9570

Multi-drug resistant proteins expression in retinoblastoma in primary enucleated eyes versus eyes enucleated after failure of conservative treatment

18th Joint event on European Ophthalmology Congress & Ocular Pharamacology

December 04-06, 2017 | Rome, Italy

Hisham K Abdel Dayem, Mohammed M Abdel-Salam, Zafer F Ismail, Othman A Ziko and Wesam M Osman

Ophthalmology Department, Ain Shams University hospitals, Egypt
Assistant professor, Pathology, department Ain Shams university hospitals Ain Shams University Hospitals.

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Clin Exp Ophthalmol

Abstract :

Objective: To compare expression of Multidrug-resistant protein 1/P-glycoprotein (MDR1/Pgp) in retinoblastoma in eyes treated by primary enucleation due to advanced tumor at initial presentation and those enucleated after being resistant to chemotherapy. Design and Methods: A prospective non randomized masked analysis. of pathology specimens obtained from twenty retinoblastoma patients presenting at the retinoblastoma clinic at ophthalmology department, Specimens from patients who had enucleation were divided into 2 groups. Patients in group 1 underwent primary enucleation due to advanced tumor at presentation. Patients in group 2 underwent secondary enucleation after failure of conservative treatment. Immuno histochemical studies were performed searching for expression of Multidrug-resistant protein 1/P-glycoprotein (MDR1/ Pgp) in the two groups. Patient demographic and eye examination data we collected and reviewed. Results: Analysis of the primary enucleation group showed high positive, low positive and negative expression in 1 (10%), 2 (20%) and 6 cases (70%) respectively. In secondary enucleation group 5 cases (50%), 3 cases (30%) and 2 cases (20%) showed high positive, low positive and negative expression respectively. Conclusion: This pilot study though, not being able to demonstrate statistical significance in MDR1 expression in primary enucleated vs. secondary enucleated resistant cases, demonstrated p value low enough to indicate a trend for more MDR1 expression in resistant cases.( P= 0.068), . Further study with a larger sample size is warranted.

Biography :

Hisham MK AbdEl Dayem MD. Consultant eye surgeon, Department of Ophthalmology, Faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt.
