Journal of Proteomics & Bioinformatics

Journal of Proteomics & Bioinformatics
Open Access

ISSN: 0974-276X

Multi-level self-similarity from cells to insect and human societies: Socio-proteomics as a possible source of ideas and guidance for a general bio-social science?

7th International Conference on Proteomics & Bioinformatics

October 24-26, 2016 Rome, Italy

Magnus S Magnusson

University of Iceland, Iceland

Keynote: J Proteomics Bioinform

Abstract :

Life consists largely of units composed of organized masses of simpler units with sub-groups of similarly specialized units as clearly seen in cells and in insect and human mass societies. Thus, the individuals and cities of both insects and modern humans descend from and are composed of unicellular organism that are mass societies or cities of even smaller units, proteins. This self-similarity of organization thus seems to exist from proteins and cells to insects and humans themselves cities of cells to insect and human mass societies. One striking difference concerns brain size. From brainless proteins and tiny insect brains to the large brains of talking and eventually writing and building humans, the only primate to live in mass societies and only recently experiencing possibly conflicting pressures of primate biology and culture-based mass societies. Since the first human mass societies, the human brain has shrunk, worldwide. Human armies de-individualize and provide minimal information for fighting much like insect armies. Human mass-societies have particular strings of letters called â??holyâ? or â??sacredâ? that profoundly and similarly misinform most individuals about fundamental causal contingencies thus sharply constraining, while aligning their behavioral potentials. Are they analogous to molecules blocking some behavioral (even reproductive) potential of social insect masses? Could (socio) proteomics help to explain sometimes apparently brainless behavior of human masses reminiscent of the behavior of the proteins they both descend from and are composed of? Finally, are human abilities possibly not much greater relative to the complexity of their mass societies?

Biography :

Magnus S Magnusson completed his PhD in 1983 from University of Copenhagen. He is a Research Professor and creator of the T-system model and algorithms implemented in Theme™. He focuses on real-time organization of behavior, co-directed a two-year DNA analysis project and published numerous papers. He gave invited talks at numerous conferences (including AIMS, IFNA, Neurotalk, Proteomics) and Universities in Europe, USA and Japan. He is Deputy Director between 1983 and 1988, Anthropology Laboratory, Museum of Natural History, Paris. He is a repeated invited Professor at Universities of Paris (V, VIII, XIII). Since 1991, he is Founder and Director of the Human Behavior Laboratory, University of Iceland. Since 1995, he focused on collaboration between 24 Universities based on “Magnusson’s Analytical Model” initiated at the Sorbonne, Paris.

