ISSN: 2161-0401
+44 1478 350008
Gregory A Weiss
University of California, USA
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: Organic Chem Curr Res
Inspired by the multi-step pathways used by organisms to synthesize complex natural products, we have developed thin film microfluidics for iterative chemical transformations generated by a vortex fluidic device; in these micron-scales thin films can drive protein folding and also accelerate catalysis by enzymes. To demonstrate the protein folding capabilities, we rapidly folded recombinant and naturally occurring proteins, including lysozyme from hard-boiled egg whites. Similarly, applying a vortex fluidic device can drive biocatalysis in different soluble enzymes with accelerations up to 15-fold. The thin films avoid clogging, and allow continuous feeding of simple starting materials. Flow chemistry can enable multi-step transformations with compartmentalization of each reaction before the increasingly complex intermediate flows to the next reaction site. Such control is typically not possible using conventional flasks. Assembly line synthesis can allow unprecedented reaction flexibility and processing efficiency. Examples of thin film-based continuous flow synthesis to be presented include both conventional and biosynthesis.
Gregory A Weiss has earned his undergraduate and graduate degrees from the University of California, Berkeley and Harvard, respectively. He was awarded a Ruth Kirschstein National Research Service Award from the NIH, and then he pursued his Post-doctoral studies at Genentech. In the year 2000, he joined the faculty at the University of California, Irvine. He was named a Fellow of the AAAS in 2013; has also been awarded an Ig Nobel Prize in Chemistry for leading the team that unboilied an egg. His laboratory focuses on bioelectronics, single molecule enzymology, membrane proteins, continuous flow protein folding and biocatalysts.