ISSN: 2329-6631
+44 1478 350008
Doreen Clark Steen
Therapeutic Products Inc., Canada
Posters & Accepted Abstracts: J Develop Drugs
An establishment license since January 1, 1998 must be holded by all Canadian drug establishments in all the processes from fabrication to testing a drug. This requirement applies to all drug establishments. It is not permit, except in accordance with an establishment license, to fabricate, package/label, distribute, import or wholesale a drug; or perform tests, including examinations, required under Part C Division 2 of the Canadian Food and Drugs Regulations. Part C, Division 2 also applies to foreign buildings that supply Canadian importers with Finished Drug Products (FP), Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (API), (including any FP and API intermediates) for import into Canada or import into Canada for future export. US Market Authorization Holders (MAH) must ensure any US site to plan to use in support a drug submission are aligned with an importer of record and the Health Canada (HC) process for GMP Canadian GMP compliance.