Journal of Communication Disorders, Deaf Studies & Hearing Aids

Journal of Communication Disorders, Deaf Studies & Hearing Aids
Open Access

ISSN: 2375-4427


Noise induced hearing loss- Diagnosis and borderline cases

International Conference and Expo on Audiology and Hearing Devices

August 17-18, 2015 Birmingham, UK

Madhup Chaurasia

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: Commun Disord Deaf Stud Hearing Aids

Abstract :

Damage to the inner ear as a result of noise exposure is a common occupational hazard and leads to numerous claims. The purpose
of this presentation is to outline and discuss the criteria that confirm noise induced hearing loss in relation to the audiograms
and the quantity of noise exposure, based on randomly selected cases from the author’s reports. Characteristics of tinnitus related to
hearing loss are described and the degree of disability associated with severity of tinnitus and hearing loss is discussed. Illustrations of
borderline cases are presented and methods to reach conclusions are elaborated with examples of cases that are difficult to diagnose.
The presentation includes a general guidance to make reports for noise induced hearing loss.

Biography :

Madhup Chaurasia is a Senior Consultant ENT surgeon in United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust. He qualified from University of Jaipur, India and did his surgical training
at University Hospitals NHS Trust Glasgow. He specialises in the field of Otology and Rhinology and his interests are focussed on Early Childhood Hearing Loss which has
been the subject of his research and contributions to the development of the National Hearing Screening Programme. He also has a special interest in noise induced hearing
loss and regularly does many reports as expert witness, both for the claimants and defendants. In this presentation, he will focus on some of the complexities of the subject.
