ISSN: 2157-7013
+44 1300 500008
Nikolay Turovets, Larissa Agapova, Jeffrey Fair, Richard West, Alina Ostrowska, Vladimir Agapov,Irina Turovets, Andrey Semechkin, Marie Csete and Nikolay Turovets
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Cell Sci Ther
Human parthenogenetic stem cells (hpSC) are derived from the inner cell mass of blastocysts from unfertilized oocytes that have been parthenogenetically activated. Th ese cells demonstrate markers, morphology and behavior characteristic of human embryonic stem cells (hESC), including extensive self-renewal and diff erentiation into cells of all three germ layers. Diff erentiated derivatives of HLA homozygous hpSC with common haplotypes may reduce the risk of immune rejection aft er transplantation, thus off ering signifi cant advantages over hESC for application in cell-based therapies due to reduced toxic alloimmune reactions. Moreover, derivation of hpSC does not require viable blastocyst destruction. Derivation of diff erentiated cell products that are not contaminated with undiff erentiated cells is a major technical roadblock for translation of all pluripotent stem cell-based therapies. We report a novel method to derive a high-purity hepatocyte population from hpSC, based on reproducing features of the normal human embryonic microenvironment. Th e method mimics the developmental process of transition through a primitive streak of early hepatocyte progenitors, using a diff erentiation device that incorporates a three-dimensional extracellular matrix (ECM) combined with a porous membrane. Treatment of undiff erentiated hpSC above the membrane using signaling-directed diff erentiation results in an epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition, in which responsive cells acquire the ability to migrate through the membrane into the ECM, where they further diff erentiate into functional hepatocytes. Th e obtained populations of the diff erentiated cells are highly purifi ed, segregated from and not contaminated with undiff erentiated cells. Th e method and data represent a signifi cant step toward creation of pluripotent stem cell- derived cell products for use in regenerative medicine and drug discovery
Nikolay Turovets, PhD, Director of Research and Therapeutic Development at International Stem Cell Corporation was instrumental in planning and implementing the research that led to the fi rst intentional isolation of human parthenogenetic stem cells that form the basis of ISCO?s core technology. Further work led to the creation of the fi rst human HLA-homozygous stem cell line that has the potential to overcome immune rejection. Dr. Turovet?s continues his scienti fi c career at UC Irvine as a research scholar. Prior to joining ISCO Dr. Turovets earned a Ph.D. in cancer biology and held the position of the head of IVF department?s embryology laboratory at the leading government hospital of Gynecology, Obstetrics and Perinatology in Russia. Dr. Turovets has published in the fi eld of clinical and basic cell biology and is co-author of cell technology patents and patent applications