ISSN: 2155-9600
+32 25889658
Alvaro Ronco
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Nutr Food Sci
Despite the therapies, the effects of previous nutrition in cancer patients will remain in time, somehow facilitating the circuMStances which enabled the tumor development. On the other hand, certain protective nutritional factors might also be effective in delaying tumor progression in an already diagnosed cancer. In 2004-2013 many published studies showed the advantages of improving diet for patients diagnosed with some types of cancer, regarding the disease-free and the overall survival. There were also communications reporting an improvement when some nutritional guidelines were followed focusing on the management of overweight/obesity. According to specialized literature, a healthy diet and lifestyle not only can inhibit carcinogenesis but they can also show a high impact on cancer progression and survival. With the same aim, we propose a nutritional strategy in order to collaborate with the cancer therapy, based on several iteMS which were drawn from selected data obtained in local case-control studies: intake of red and white meat, dairy foods, oils and fats, vegetables and fruits; fatto- muscle ratio, and selected laboratory tests. Unlike these latter, the selection of iteMS might represent population-specific features. Our objective is to perform a nutritional reprogramming in a tailored way, changing the exposure of the putative risk and protective factors to the lowest possible risk level. Since no studies indicate that a prudent dietary style is pejorative for health, we are trying to change an inadequate previous nutritional pattern into an adequate one in order to make feasible a change of the prognosis and quality of life.
Alvaro Ronco graduated as MD in Uruguay (1986), and worked at the Uruguayan National Cancer Registry (1987-2004), focusing research mainly on nutrition and cancer. He works on breast cancer at the Women?s Hospital (Montevideo, 2004- ). He is an Associate Professor of Cancer Epidemiology (IUCLAEH School of Medicine, Maldonado, Uruguay, 2008). He is Opinion Leader in Breast Cancer Epidemiology at the S.I.S. (Strasbourg, 2003- ). He has been eight times awarded by the Uruguayan National Academy of Medicine and isauthor/coauthor of >220 scientific works, ( 130 papers in international journals). He published Nutritional Epidemiology of Breast Cancer (Springer 2011), the first book in the world about it.