International Journal of Biomedical Data Mining

International Journal of Biomedical Data Mining
Open Access

ISSN: 2090-4924

Oil derived from Pino radiata seeds collaborates with the control of obesity by involving the differentiation and proliferation of resident cells of visceral adipose tissue

2nd International conference on Immunity and Immunochemistry

August 09, 2021 | WEBINAR

Rojas Mansilla D, Perez C, Becerra J, Cabezas J, Duran-Sandoval D

Clinical Biochemistry and Immunology Department, Pharmacy Faculty, University of Concepcion
Laboratory of Natural Products Chemistry, Department of Botany, Faculty of Natural and Oceanographic Sciences, University of ConcepciĆ³n
Animal Science Department, Veterinary Science Faculty, University of Concepcion

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: Int J Biomed Data Min

Abstract :

Obesity and its comorbidities are a serious public health problem worldwide. In this sense, there are diverse pharmacological and non-pharmacological alternatives that aimed at its treatment. Recently, our research group, achieved to produce an oil derived from Pinus radiata seeds which, was administered on a murine model of high fat diet (HFD)-induced obesity, where it positively modified metabolic, inflammatory and biochemical parameters inherent to obesity, this associated with decreased weight and improved systemic insulin response. In order to delve into the cellular mechanisms that the consumption of this oil could have in adipose tissue, Visceral adipose tissue sections isolated from obese mice that consumed oil derived from Pinus radiata seeds were analyzed histologically versus a control. We observed that the visceral adipose tissue of rodents treated with oil derived from Pinus radiata seeds presented smaller adipocytes, with presence of adipogenic niches compared to the obese control group. The expression profile of the markers CD29+/CD45-/CD34+ on this niches, suggests that they correspond to preadipocytes. Furthermore, the expression of the marker Ki 67, indicates high cell proliferation in these areas.This observation is consistent with increased expression of mRNA for PPR-g, a known adipocyte proliferation factor. Additionally, a higher expression of mRNA for UCP1 was observed in this tissue compared to the control group, suggesting greater thermogenic capacity. Thus, the administration of oil derived from radiata pine seeds in vivo would promote the proliferation of immature cells resident in visceral adipose tissue. These findings are in agreement with the metabolic, inflammatory and biochemical effects previously observed in vivo, suggesting that the consumption of this product based on Pino radiata seed oil could be clinically relevant in the control of obesity in humans.

Biography :

Daniela Michel Rojas Mansill, has completed his MSC in the 2018 from Universidad de Concepción, Chile. She is manager Histopathology laboratory in Veterinary Faculty in Universidad de Concepción. She has published in different journals and has been serving as support in a lot investigation in the histological veterinary area.
