ISSN: 2155-9600
+32 25889658
Sri Wahyuni
ICASEP, Ministry of Agriculture's Secretariat-General, Indonesia
Posters & Accepted Abstracts: J Nutr Food Sci
Organic food, cultivate without chemical fertilizers or pesticides and are sold without adding preservatives and synthetic ingredient enhancers. It would be very good for health maintenance, especially organic food that have special function for prevention diseases, called functional food, because, they promote optimal health and help reduce the risk of disease. The question is, there is no compelling data that demonstrate clear superiority of organic over non-organic foods, except that organic products must be certified by an international organizations or government bodies, such as the Institute of Marketecology Organization (IMO) in Swiss. This paper described: 1) The different nutrition value between organic rice (white, red dan black) and non-organic one and its function for health and 2) The prospect of organic rice farming in Indonesia to achieved welfare. The data were derived from some literatures reviewed, focused on organic rice. It was found that: 1) â??Black riceâ? has the highest nutrition value compared to â??Red and White Riceâ?. 2) The center of organic rice farming in Indonesia found in all provinces of Java, mostly found in West Java with total of 10 districts. A union of farmersâ?? group (Gapoktan) in West Java already exports their production, since 2009 and over 2016 already exported to 9 countries, including USA. This organic farming definitely increases the welfare of the farmers. Therefore, Indonesian government needs to expand land for organic rice farming in other areas of Indonesia. These informations are worth for policies concerning: efforts to increase the motivation of farmers to produce organic food, socialization of organic food as functional food to people as consumers and as the base of policies on organic food production and process.