Orthopedic & Muscular System: Current Research

Orthopedic & Muscular System: Current Research
Open Access

ISSN: 2161-0533


Osteochondroma: A case series

6th Annual Surgeons & Orthopedics Conference & Expo

September 12-14, 2016 Atlanta, USA

Stephen Yusuf

Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University Teaching Hospital, Nigeria

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: Orthop Muscular Syst

Abstract :

Osteochondroma is a benign tumor of the bone that occurs during childhood or adolescence. It forms on the surface of bones near the growth plate and compose of bony portion with a cartilaginous cap. Asymptomatic growths are managed conservatively. Excision is done in cases of pain, discomfort or for cosmetic reasons. The aim was to conduct a case by case review of cases of osteochondroma managed at our institution. Between November 2015 and April 2016, 3 cases were managed in our facility, 2 of the patients were females (age 9 and 10) while the third patient was a male of 30 years. Duration of symptoms prior to presentation ranges from 2-9 years. There was a case of multiple exostoses (both shoulders, ribs and the distal tibia) while the remaining two have solitary exostosis (pelvis and distal radius). All patients were evaluated using plain radiographs and computed tomographic scan was done for the case located within the pelvis. The indication for excision ranged from pain and discomfort to difficulty in ambulation. All patients had excision, based on the indication at evaluation. Follow up period was 3 months to 8 months. There were significant improvements in the symptoms prior to excision and there was no case of recurrence after excision. All patients were satisfied with the procedure. Excision of symptomatic cases of solitary or multiple exostoses is the mainstay of management of this benign bone tumor.

Biography :

Stephen Yusuf is a Register in Orthopedic Unit of the Department of Surgery of Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University Teaching Hospital (ATBUTH) Bauchi State, Nigeria. He studied Medicine and Surgery in Ahmadu Bello University Teaching Hospital Zaria, Kaduna State, Nigeria. He graduated in 2012 and did his Internship at ATBUTH-Bauchi. After which, he served for a year in the Nigerian Department of state services (DSS) Hospital Abeokuta. He has co-published several studies in the journal of abstracts of the West African College of Surgeons along with his Head of Department (Head of Surgery).

Email: stephen.yusuf@gmail.com
