Orthopedic & Muscular System: Current Research

Orthopedic & Muscular System: Current Research
Open Access

ISSN: 2161-0533


Osteoinduction regeneration using tooth bone graft with BMP-2

9th Orthopedics & Rheumatology Annual Meeting & Expo

July 12-13, 2017 Chicago, USA

Kryssa Justine Agpoon, Hakgi Lee, Aaron Neil Besana, Jung Hoon Lee, Hyon Seok Jang, Ho Kyung Lim and Eui Seok Lee

Korea University Medical Center-Guro Hospital, South Korea

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: Orthop Muscular Syst

Abstract :

Despite the fact that improved biomaterials are needed to match the affectivity of autogenous bone grafts, as this is still superior to that of synthetic bone grafts, osteoinductive materials such as BMP-2 would be perfect candidates for combination with biomaterials to achieve this task. However, different sizes of biomaterials have shown insufficient consideration for important prerequisite for its development. This study aimed to investigate the estimated increase in osteoinductive activity of different shapes of tooth bone grafts (TBGs) with BMP-2 in rabbit calvarial defects compared with synthetic bone grafts based on histomorphometric and histological analysis. We randomly divided a total of 40 calvarial defects in 10 male New Zealand rabbits into four experimental groups: Group-1: Powder-type graft+BMP; Group-2: Block-type graft+BMP; Group-3: Block-type graft only; and Control group: Synthetic bone+BMP. In each rabbit calvarium, we formed four circular bi-cortical defects with a diameter of 8 mm and filled them with bone graft materials. After four weeks (n=5) and eight weeks (n=5), we conducted histomorphometric and histological analyses to determine the changes in bone area in the different groups. We assessed the tissue volume, bone volume and percent bone volume in each group; the BMP-2/tooth powder-type graft and the TBG alone stimulated mesenchymal cells to create endochondral ossification and direct bone formation and showed significant differences between groups (p<0.05). The changes in bone volume ranged from 12 to 23% with powder type tooth biomaterial and tissue volume ranged from 113-123 mm3 in the different groups. We concluded that powder-type TBG was effective as a carrier of BMP-2, which significantly accelerated bone formation in the acid-insoluble TBG carrier system.

Biography :

Kryssa Justine Agpoon has her expertise in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. She has completed her Master’s degree and Hospital training at Philippine General Hospital, Korea University Graduate School and Korea University Medical Center. She has recently published an article at British Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery about mandibular stability using sliding or conventional four hole plates for fixation after bilateral split osteotomy for mandibular setback.

Email: agpoonkryssa@yahoo.com
