Journal of Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology

Journal of Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology
Open Access

ISSN: 2155-9570

Outcome of 100 phacoemulsification surgeries at Mohammad Al-Dossary Hospital Khobar, Saudi Arabia

International Conference and Expo on Cataract and Optometrists Meeting

August 04-05, 2016 Manchester, UK

Nisar Ahmed Khan

Mohammad Dossary Hospital, Saudi Arabia

Posters & Accepted Abstracts: J Clin Exp Ophthalmol

Abstract :

Purpose: To evaluate the outcome of phacoemulsification surgeries at department of ophthalmology, Mohammad Al-Dossary Hospital Khobar, Saudi Arabia. Materials & Methods: 100 eyes of 87 patients were included in this study that was conducted from 1st December 2014 to 30th November 2015. 87 patients were male whereas 13 were female. 40 right eyes, 34 left eyes while 13 patients were undergone bilateral phaco surgeries within 7 to 16 days. 1 patient was in age group C, another 1 was in group D, 19 were in group E, 38 were in group F and remaining 41 were in group G. 41 were suffering from diabetes, 33 were hypertensive, 3 were with cardiac problems using pace maker and 1 was involved with HCV infection. Patients suffering from ocular diseases: open angle glaucoma 5, pseudoexfoliation 6, pigment dispersion syndrome 2, chroniciritis 3, cholestrosis bulbi 2, asteroid hyalosis 1, age related macular degeneration 3. All were dilated with mydriacil/phenylephrine eye drops, local anesthesia as retrobulbar as well as facial block (von lint technique) were given using 2% xylocaineinj without adrenaline. 2.8mm incision, capsulorexhsis with bent 27 gauge needle, followed by hydrodissection and in some hydrodelienation with small caliber irrigation cannula, copious 2% methylcellulose used to save endothelial cells as well as to maintain anterior chamber, all 4 steps of phaco followed with divide and conquer method and finally injectable IOL implanted. Every operation ended with sub-conjunctival injection of dexamethasone 2mg plus gentamicin 20mg. Results: 59 eyes gained 20/20 visual acquity on first post-operative day, 23 eyes gained 20/40, 10 gained 20/60 which over a period of five days improved to 20/20 after using topical prednisolone 1mg along with moxifloxacin eye drops, 5 gained 20/80 corrected with glasses, 3 were having 20/100 because of macular diseases. Conclusion: In my experience phacoemulsification is an excellent technique which saves time, gives early rehabilitation depending upon the patience, experience and skill of surgeons.

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