Journal of Aeronautics & Aerospace Engineering

Journal of Aeronautics & Aerospace Engineering
Open Access

ISSN: 2168-9792


Outer space warfare challenges: Theory, doctrine, strategies and tactics

4th International Conference and Exhibition on Satellite & Space Missions

June 18-20, 2018 | Rome, Italy

Paul S Szymanski

Space Strategies Center, USA

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Aeronaut Aerospace Eng

Abstract :

The importance of outer space satellites and their supporting systems cannot be overstated. Their use in the civil and commercial world to provide communications, weather, navigation, timing and earth resources monitoring provides major advantages to those who employ the information generated by these systems. However, due to the global reach of these space systems, advantages are provided to both friendly and adversary militaries. Beginning with the use of space systems to support military operations during the Arab-Israeli conflicts, and in Desert Storm, both major and minor players are considering how denial of space capabilities to their adversaries will be a force multiplier on terrestrial battlefields. Based on the author��?s extensive experience in this theoretical area, he has developed essential theory, rules, doctrine, strategies and tactics by which he feels the next space war will be conducted. These are based on his unclassified analyses of past military history, and of classical Military Principles of War and Sun Tzu's Art of War applicability to Space Warfare. Since a full-up space war has not yet occurred, all of these concepts are notional and unproven, much like air warfare doctrine was only theoretically understood prior to World War 2. Nonetheless, it is very important to better understand how a future space war might be conducted to ensure favorable outcomes for the more prepared country, and for better outcomes for the world, in general, post space conflict.

Biography :

Paul S Szymanski has 41 years of continuous experience studying outer space warfare theory, doctrine, strategies and tactics. This includes advanced concept development, space courses of action (COA’s) design, and space battle management command and control (BMC2) support.
