Virology & Mycology

Virology & Mycology
Open Access

ISSN: 2161-0517

+44 1223 790975

Overexpression of enhancer of zeste human homolog 2 (EZH2) gene in human cytomegalovirus positive glioblastomamultiforme tissues

International Conference on Retroviruses & Novel Drugs

June 08-09, 2015 Chicago, USA

Ahani N

Posters-Accepted Abstracts: Virol-mycol

Abstract :

Glioblastomamultiforme (GBM) is considered to be one of the deadliest human cancers, characterized by a high proliferative rate, aggressive invasiveness and insensitivity to radio- and chemotherapy, as well as average survival is less than one year. On the basis of published data, there is sufficient evidence to conclude that HCMV DNA, mRNA, and/or antigens exist in most glioblastoma tissues. HCMV could modulate the malignant phenotype in glioblastomas by interacting with key signaling pathways that involve in apoptosis, angiogenesis, invasion and immunoevasion; including PDGFR, PI3K/AKT, STAT3 and GSK-3b. Existing evidence supports an oncomodulatory role for HCMV in glioblastoma, in this study need to focus on determining the role of HCMV as a glioblastoma-initiating event inPI3K/AKT pathway. EZH2 is a marker of PI3K/AKT pathway so we decided to evaluate the expression of this gene in 3 groups: Negative HCMV glioblastomamultiformetissus, positive HCMV glioblastomamultiformetissus and non tumor tissues. The presence of Human Cytomegalovirus was assessed according to our previous article. Human Cytomegalovirus was present in 75% of glioblastoma tissues. Then RNA was extracted, cDNA was synthesis and Real-time PCR was performed. Then rate of increased expression was calculated using the Livac or 2-ΔΔCt.ΔCt of samples in the three groups were compared using ANOVA (Analysis of Variance). Expression of EZH2 gene relative to GAPDH gene in HCMV negative glioblastoma tissues were increased 6.053 times compared to non-neoplastic brain tissues. Expression of EZH2 gene relative to GAPDH gene in HCMV positive glioblastoma tissues were increased 41.098 times compared to non-neoplastic brain tissues. ANOVA test showed that the difference of mean ΔCt for EZH2 gene between healthy subjects and patients with HCMV positive glioblastomatumor and HCMV negative glioblastomatumor is statistically significant (p-Value = 0.0001).
