Journal of Thyroid Disorders & Therapy

Journal of Thyroid Disorders & Therapy
Open Access

ISSN: 2167-7948

+44 1300 500008

Paediatric patient waiting environment

3rd European Endocrinology and Diabetes Congress

November 13-14, 2023 | Webinar

Rayshini Govindaraju

Northern Lincolnshire and Goole NHS Foundation Trust, UK

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: Thyroid Disorders Ther

Abstract :

Introduction: Paediatric patients are a protected subgroup of patients which require extra care as children can get quite anxious when put in a clinical setting. The CQC was unsatisfied with layout of the Plastic Trauma Clinic for paediatric patients as there was no separate waiting room/ designated space for children and their parents. Objective: An initiative of booking pediatric patients in before 9.00am was proposed to separate pediatric patients from adult patients in waiting rooms. Methodology: Data was collected manually from the PTC pediatric logbook where the unique hospital identification number was used to determine each patients booking, arrival and departure times. Cycle 1 • Total of 108 patient data was collected over the span of 1 month (6th of March 2023- 6th of April 2023) Cycle 2 • A total of data set of 497 patients were collected over the span of 5 months from the (7th of April till the 6th of September 2023) Results: Cycle 1 • 67 of 108 patients were booked before 9.01am, of which. • 41 of 108 patients were booked after 9.00am • 28 of 41 arrived before 9.00am Cycle 2 • 261 of 497 patients were booked between 8.30am -9.00am • 236 of 497 patients were booked after 9.00am • 129 of 236 patients arrived between 8.30-9.00am Discussion: Based on the data collected, it shows that patients, who were booked after 9.00am, were told to come between 8.30-9.00. • Patients that were booked after 9.00 were done so on the system due to limitations of appointment slot booking times. • As such, these patients were seen within the set timeframe and were kept in a separate area, whilst the adults were only seen from 10.00am onwards • The waiting area was supplemented with cartoon shows and toys to create a more favorable environment for children which had a knock on effect on their mood and anxiety. • This method proved to be efficient in terms of pediatric patients getting seen in a timely manner as well as being cost saving Conclusion: Cycle 1 - 77/108 patients were seen before 9.00am – 71.3 % Cycle 2- 390/497 patients were seen before 9.00am – 78.5% Showing an increase in numbers of patients seen within the allotted time.

Biography :

Rayshini Govindaraju is a foundation year 2 doctors at the Diana Princess of Wales Hospital. She is an aspiring surgeon with a special interest in plastic and reconstructive surgery. She passionate about research and implementing simple yet efficient solutions to aid patient flow and safety without compromising care. She have been involved in a few projects with regards to enhancing surgical practice such as the multi-centre HIPPO study and recently presented a poster on group and save sample in emergency surgeries at the ALSGBI conference 2022. Her current project is on pediatric patient environments in a clinical setting, which is aimed to reduce time for surgical intervention, provide a safe and familiar environment for pediatric patients who in turn can alleviate stress and anxiety in this subgroup. It is also cost efficient and promotes good patient flow. When she is not at work she enjoys baking and exploring different cuisines, cultures and places. She directed a musical production whilst at University and was the academic officer for the student union.
