Autism-Open Access

Autism-Open Access
Open Access

ISSN: 2165-7890

PAGS assessments- profile assessment and goal setting: develping skills for learning

European Autism Congress

March 14-15, 2019 | Zagreb, Croatia

Feliciea Jibson

University of Birmingham, UK

Keynote: Autism Open Access

Abstract :

Profiling and goal setting assessments (PAGS) has been developed for children and young adults between the ages of 5 and 25 who have a mild/moderate learning difficulties, autism, social communication difficulty, pervasive developmental disorder (PDD), conduct disorder, attachment disorder, global developmental delay and mental health difficulties. It is a unique framework based on the concept that children and young people should be assessed developmentally so that it is possible to look at the areas of skill deficit they have as a result of either their schooling or their autism/ learning support needs. It is a skills-based assessment, looking at functional areas so that the child is supported in life. PAGS promotes a ‘can do’ approach, recognises the uniqueness of each learner and provides the goal setting information for personalized learning progress. The assessment produces a summary of the learner’s strengths and guides to the skills that will need to be developed. The basis for PAGS is linked to cognitive theories of development, from infancy to adulthood, considered in relation to the impact of autism spectrum condition and related neurological conditions on individuals' memories and capacity for learning and generalising. An important bibliography has been researched and applyed into practice, equally listening to and consulting with learners and their families. PAGS Assessments framework is substantially different from the comparatively prescribed options offered by the assessment systems that are used currently. This enables practitioners to facilitate bridging between individuals' skillsets in different settings, be it at school, at home or within the wider community. PAGS has been developed to work alongside any academic curriculum. PAGS is being trialled in a specialist school for children with autism and also with selected individuals. A software programme will be launched early next year and updated regularly.

Biography :

Feliciea Jibson is an Educational Consultant, also Member of Society of Education Consultants UK and is a qualified Teacher with years of experience in teaching autistic children in schools, residential settings, and working directly with parents, carers and families. She has completed her Master’s degree in Autism at University of Birmingham. Before opening Felser Limited in 2018, she worked for 4 years as a Head of Department for learners of 16 to 25 years old with severe learning difficulties and complex needs.

