ISSN: 2155-9600
+32 25889658
Teruyoshi Amagai
Mukogawa Women′s University, Japan
Keynote: J Nutr Food Sci
Aim: To examine the hypothesis that a novel linguistics for clinical nutrition could be feasible and applicable to clinical practice. Methods: It would be examined whether Nutrition Care Process (NCP) as a novel linguistics (language 1), developed by the association of dietetics and nutrition in 2003, US, is able to be applied in clinical practice in nutrition compared with nonNCP language (language 2) broadly available in clinical nutrition settings or not. Method 1: Compare language 1 and 2 in their structures to be available to clinical settings, including hospitals and nursing homes. Method 2: Compare outcomes in clinical cases, including human, time and financial resources using two languages, respectively. Prospective Results: Result 1: compared to language 2, language 1 (NCP) might be well acceptable and feasible in clinical settings. Result 2: we compared two languages in clinical cases, although language 1 might be time-consuming before stake holders become used to, it might save human and financial resources. Future Works: NCP might be spread to extended areas in clinical nutrition using participatory education styles, evidenced its effectiveness by National Training Laboratories
Teruyoshi Amagai is an MD, PhD from the Medical School, University of Tsukuba, Japan, in 1982 and has trained and worked at the Department of Paediatric Surgery in Japan and Birmingham Children’s Hospital, Birmingham, UK. Thereafter, he moved from being a Clinical Practitioner to Educator and then to a Dietitian; now he is a Professor at the Department of Clinical Nutrition of the Mukogawa Women’s University in Japan.