ISSN: 2090-4541
+44 1300 500008
C Prem Ananth Surendran and P Shanmugam
Central Leather Research Institute�CSIR, India
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Fundam Renewable Energy Appl
The present case study demonstrated the performance of large scale biogas plant for wholesale vegetable complex waste (30 tonnes per day) using biogas induced mixing arrangement (BIMA) digester for biogas and power generation. The BIMA digester located in Koyambedu, Chennai (India) is one of the unique facilities in India producing biogas and power using wholesale vegetable complex waste, operated successfully for the past eight years. The vegetable complex waste contains predominantly banana stem, cauli flower, cabbage, etc., dumped onsite threatened huge health related, and ground water related issues in and around the market complex. Alternatively, the same was collected and transported to the biogas plant, minced and fed into the BIMA digester produced biogas and power. The average total solids (TS) and volatile solids (VS/ TS) in the minced mixed feed stock material was found to be 21%, and 75% respectively which was amenable for biogas production. The designed OLR, HRT, biogas and power potential was 1.20 Nm m3/day, 25 days, 2500 m3/day and 5250 kwh/ day respectively. The daily average biogas and power generated during the entire study period was 1250 m3/day and 3150 kwh/ day. The specific biogas and electricity yield per kg of biodegradable waste and per m3 of biogas was found to be 0.80 Nm m3/ kg of VS removed and 1.85 kWh/m3 of biogas at 60% CH4 with an average calorific value of 5400 Kcalories/Nm3 of biogas. The detailed operational strategy adopted to maximize biogas and power yield using wholesale vegetable complex waste are being presented.
C Prem Ananth Surendran is a part time PhD Scholar in the Bio-energy Research Group of Environmental Technology Department in Central Leather Research Institute (CSIR), Adyar, Chennai, working as a full time Deputy Planner in the Chennai Metropolitan Development Authority (CMDA) Government of Tamil Nadu. He has completed his Master’s in Engineering (ME) degree in Urban Engineering, from Department of Civil Engineering, Anna University, Chennai. He has played a key role in developing and planning smart and green cities in Govt. of Tamil Nadu.