ISSN: 2167-0501
Rampratap Meena, Meera Devi Sri P, Ramasamy D, Mageswari S, Shamsul Arfin, Syed Jameeluddin Ahmed, Rafath Mehmooda and Syed Shakir Jamil
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: Biochem & Pharmacol
Herbal medicines are being called as natural products of traditional system of medicines such as Unani, Ayurveda and Siddha. In Unani system of medicine, these herbal products are being prepared using different parts of plant material such as root, stem, bark, leaves, flowers and seeds etc., Jawarish-e-Qaiser is one such type of polyherbal Unani formulation prepared by using 8 single drugs. The physicians of Unani system of medicine have considered this drug as one of the important Unani formulation for the ailments of qulanj (stomach and bowel disorders) and qabz-e-muzmin (chronic constipation). In recent years as the world?s population relies on herbal based medicines the establishment of safety, efficacy and evaluation of scientific standards and search of novel antibacterial and antifungal agents of herbal origin that can have acceptability usually being nontoxic and inexpensive have become necessary issues. Keeping in view of these issues the present study was aimed to evaluate pharmacopoeial standards and microbial activities of the drug Jawarish-e-Qaiser. The prepared drug was subjected to evaluate macroscopic, microscopic, physico-chemical, WHO parameters and to assess the antibacterial and antifungal activities. The evaluated data will help in providing quality and efficacious product to the needy mass.