Journal of Nutrition & Food Sciences

Journal of Nutrition & Food Sciences
Open Access

ISSN: 2155-9600

+32 25889658

Physico-chemical and sensory attributes of ginger based marmalade

14th Food Engineering Conference

November 28-29, 2016 Melbourne, Australia

Aamir Shehzad and Saira Tanweer

University of Agriculture, Pakistan

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Nutr Food Sci

Abstract :

Herbal plants have been recognized as effective medicinal agents. Medicinal plants are growing massive importance towards the health of individuals and communities. Owing to phytochemical perspectives functional/nutraceutical foods are scoring more attention of the nutritionists. In this scenario, ginger is gaining importance due to its accessibility, low cost and allied therapeutic claims. In current investigation, functional and nutraceutical product i.e. marmalade were prepared after supplementing with ginger enriched fractions against control (T0) to prove its health boosting perspectives. For marmalade prepared with 7% ginger powder (T1) and 3% ginger extract (T2) appeared to have non-significant impacts on color tonality, in total soluble solids, pH, acidity and brix. The substantial enhancement in brix was noticed during storage from 68.14�±2.34 to 69.20�±2.49 at 0 to 60th day, respectively whereas pH decreased from 3.68�±0.13 to 3.45�±0.12 and in the opposite pattern acidity increased from 0.60�±0.02 to 0.74�±0.05%. Hedonic response was also assessed using 9-point hedonic scale for the estimation of color, flavor, texture, sourness and overall acceptability of the patties and marmalade. Means squares for sensory evaluation of marmalade showed that all the parameters remained non-significant within the treatments and storage except spread-ability and only flavor and taste changed significantly with the treatment. During storage, scores assigned to taste decreased from 7.36�±0.29 to 7.24�±0.25. The overall acceptability was highly admired by nutraceutical extract based ginger marmalade. Conclusively, the findings of current exploration showed that gingerol present in ginger did not impact any deleterious outcomes on the sensory response.

Biography :

Aamir Shehzad has completed his PhD from University de Nantes, France in 2010. Currently, he is working as Assistant Professor, at National Institute of Food Science and Technology, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan. He has published more than 30 papers in reputed journals, both at national and international levels and has also been serving as an Editorial Board Member of different reviews. He has also supervised 23 Mphil and 4 doctoral students in addition to a number of undergraduate students. He has also presented his work in more than 20 different conferences at national and international levels.

