Pediatrics & Therapeutics

Pediatrics & Therapeutics
Open Access

ISSN: 2161-0665

+44 1478 350008

Pitfalls in the diagnosis of skeletal tuberculosis in children

10th Annual World Congress on Pediatrics,Pediatric Gastroenterology & Nutrition

March 23-25, 2017 Orlando, USA

Janani Sankar

Kanchi Kamakoti Childs Trust Hospital, India

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: Pediat Therapeut

Abstract :

Skeletal tuberculosis in children can easily be missed due to their non specific presentations. The objective of our study is to review the varied presentation, pitfalls in the diagnosis of pediatric skeletal tuberculosis and treatment outcome. A retrospective review of children was diagnosed with skeletal tuberculosis over a period of 3 years. A total of 19 cases were reviewed. Mean age was 5.6 years. Average duration of symptoms was 6 months with chronic pain being the most common. Spine was the commonest site. Most of the cases were missed due to non specific presentation, hence delaying the diagnosis. Contact history was positive in 6 and ESR was elevated in majority of them. Diagnosis was confirmed radiologically, bacteriologically or histopathologically. All children were treated with anti tubercular drugs and surgical debridement with good prognosis. A high index of suspicion aided by confirmation using imaging or histopathology can help in early diagnosis. Treatment with anti tubercular drugs with surgical debridement has good prognosis.

Biography :

Janani Sankar is a Senior Consultant in the Department of Pediatrics at a Tertiary Care Children Hospital in South India. She has around 40 publications in Indexed National & International Journals. Her areas of interest include, Pediatric Infections, Hematology & Critical Care.

