Journal of Developing Drugs

Journal of Developing Drugs
Open Access

ISSN: 2329-6631

+44 1478 350008

Planning to outsource manufacturing: Have you done your homework?

3rd International Summit on GMP, GCP & Quality Control

September 25-26, 2014 Valencia Convention Centre, Spain

Mohammed R Khan

Accepted Abstracts: J Dev Drugs

Abstract :

There is no denying that pharmaceutical industry around the globe is facing expiring patents, drying pipeline, and genericization, which are all putting a sizeable dent in the profitability, compounded by globally rising healthcare costs and downsizing of healthcare expenditures. Such being the scenario, pharmaceutical organizations are finding little option but to explore more cost-efficient ways of manufacturing the products and outsourcing presents itself as a sound alternative. Outsourcing manufacturing is not free of hurdles and challenges though. Adaptability to client?s changing needs, regulatory compliance, confidentiality and intellectual property protection, environmental issues, keeping the client up-to-date on change controls, potential personality clashes between the client?s and contractor?s personnel, all emerge as bumps and hurdles. Accuracy and timeliness of manufacturing forecasts and updates by the client is a key factor in avoiding stock-outs and back orders, and also in helping maximize the Inventory Turns, thus improving the bottom-line. Means of achieving this and also other issues are appropriately discussed.

Biography :

Mohammed R Khan is a Quality Management Consultant and Principal, Synergex Consulting, Canada. He has earlier directed the Manufacturing, Distribution, QA/QC and Regulatory Compliance operations at DuPont Pharmaceuticals Canada, and served on the Board of the Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association of Canada / Plant Operations Section. As an active member of the Drug Information Association since 1996, he has served on the DIA Advisory Council of North America and chaired the DIA Canadian Programming Steering Committee, while also serving as a Program Coordinator, Program Committee Member, Session Chair and Speaker at numerous DIA events. He is a recipient of the DIA Outstanding Service Award. He has also served as a presenter nationally and internationally for the PDA, IQPC, OMICS Group, PSG Canada, International Society of Ethnopharmacology, and the Indian Pharmaceutical Congresses
