Reproductive System & Sexual Disorders: Current Research

Reproductive System & Sexual Disorders: Current Research
Open Access

ISSN: 2161-038X

+44 1300 500008

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS): Wish to conceive – between hope and frustration

3rd International Conference on Reproductive Health and Medicine

May 21-22, 2018 | Vienna, Austria

Marion Eckert-Krause

Fachinstitut f�?¼r Stoffwechsel und Gesundheit, Austria

Keynote: Reprod Syst Sex Disord

Abstract :

Background: Diagnosed with PCOS includes infertility in spite of a high ovarian reserve. Well response to ovarian stimulation is known by good health conditions, e.g. BMI<25 kg/m2. DEBEC-Method enabled a PCOS-Patient reducing weight and reaching normal blood levels of glucose, lipids, hormones, except AMH, Androgens. Bleedings within a 21 to 35 days menstruation cycle since termination of birth-control-pill (12month ago) and increase of follicles by ultrasound stated. Patient perceived midpain, production of cervical mucus and emotional up-and down turns over the cycle-period. Because of no pregnancy after one year of any contraception, the patient decided to undergo a reproductive clinic process. Method: Case Study based on DEBEC-Method �?® with focus on coaching and learnings including a psychological strain scoring to measure burden and motivation. Investigations: blood, ultrasound, tubal obstruction as well as spermiogram. Duration: 4 months. Study endpoint: Pregnancy. Results: No Pregnancy within the 4 months though it was suggested by the gynecologist (not reproductive clinic). Blood levels showed an overall significant improvement, except of androgens. Strain scoring was heavily unsteady and depends on the investigation results and own observations (cycle length, bleeding duration, midpain, decrease of hirsutism, partnership and absences from job). Factual based coaching was helpful as well as knowledge and empathy by the medical staff of the reproductive clinic. Conclusion: The patient underwent an emotional process until having all investigation results. There is a high burden to be managed unplanned absences, partnership (spermiogram, â�?�?sex-on-demandâ�?, doubts, costs). A depictured strain scoring is helpful for patient and coach.

Biography :

Dr. Marion Eckert-Krause is a specialist for metabolic diseases. She developed the DEBEC-Method® and ran several case studies with menopausal/postmenopausal women including PCOS-diagnosed patients. Since 2012 she is actively joining congresses in USA, UK, Switzerland, Germany and Austria. Her Institute “FISGES” was founded in 2014 to take care of the PCOS-Patients needs with focus on a defined study. Since 2017 she is lecturer for Private University (UFL). Since 2018 DEBECMethod® is registered with number 295512 at Austrian Patent and Trademark Office.
