ISSN: 2161-0487
+44 1478 350008
Charlie Bailey
Columbia University, USA
Posters & Accepted Abstracts: J Psychol Psychother
In this diverse panel, we will be discussing research findings from the numerous studies conducted at the Global Mental Health Lab at Teachers College, Columbia University that highlight generating positive attitudes towards mental health, redefining and reframing pathology, and the resilience and the ability of people to thrive in adverse situations. Resilience narratives in undocumented youth: This section will present findings from a mixed methods study investigating the mental health needs of unaccompanied immigrant children. This highly vulnerable and understudied population is at risk for exposure to traumatic experiences in their countries of origin, during their journeys to America, and following their arrival and apprehension by U.S. immigration. However, many unaccompanied children show a remarkable ability to withstand these stressors and continue healthy development. In keeping with the characterization of resilience as a dynamic, multi-determined process that evolves over time, the study identifies a combination of interlinked individual, family, social, and structural factors that support well-being among these youth.