Virology & Mycology

Virology & Mycology
Open Access

ISSN: 2161-0517

Positives from the negatives

Joint Event on 31st Annual Congress on Vaccines, Clinical Trials & B2B & 11th International Conference on Virology and Microbiology

July 27-28, 2018 | Vancouver, Canada

Meth Akash

District General Hospital, Srilanka

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: Virol Mycol

Abstract :

Pap smear is a good sample for identification of abnormalities in the cervix. Basic advantages are easy to handle and transport. After receiving the smears to the relevant lab, the medical laboratory technologists have to accept the samples and do the staining procedures. The technologist's responsibility is issuing the reports within 14 days. Because of that rule( issuing date) technologists have to work hard and fast. So difficult to get an ideal conclusion about the smear. (a) Deuto that time of period, some time they apply shortcuts in the staining procedures. They keep the short time period in the running tap water bath for the washing step. That hence excess hematoxylin staining particles will remain on the smear. So that nuclei and the chromatin cannot be seen very clearly. The other one is, they do not use Scott's tap water for the blueing. Nuclear chromatin is a very important factor from which get more information about the abnormal cells. Scott's tap water act as clearing agent and gives more blue contrast. Early abnormalities in the cervix can be missed when the application of the incomplete staining techniques. (b) Some smears covered with 60% of blood. So that is very difficult to find abnormal hypochromic cells. When they don't pay their attention that abnormal cells can be missed. It also misleads the negative results. (c) Some smears are overcrowded. Because they made it using a small part of the slide surface. All the normal and abnormal cells are in the one cells clump. When the screening the smear cannot go through the one by one cell. It also misleads the negative result. (d) Candida infection: In that infection cells get somewhat enlarge. When the screening, once they look candida organism in the smear, they consider only candida infection not the changes of the HPV. Some pap smears having both candida infection and HPV changes. But screeners report candida infection only. Conclusions: (1) Due to that points, a Qualified technologist with experience must re-examine the random samples from every 100 slides of the negatives. (2) Medical laboratory technologist should be examined 25 slides for the day. Not more than that because they need more time to screen and make a good report. Results: 2-4% of new cases can be found the form that negatives within 6 months. I think false positives better than false negatives. Because very positives patients who had a low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion or atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance (ascus) have to repeat their second sample within six months.
