ISSN: 2161-0517
Charles A Altman
ScientificTracksAbstracts-Workshop: Virol-mycol
Administration of vaccines by novel needle-free technology such as jet injection offers an important alternative to needle and syringe and may enhance compliance. In August 2014, needle-free vaccination against influenza was approved with Afluria using PharmaJet® Stratis® jet injection technology. The objective of this post-marketing study was to assess acceptance of and satisfaction with flu vaccination using Afluria delivered in the grocery pharmacy setting via the novel needle-free system. A total of 98 grocery store customers, ages 18-64 were administered needle-free Afluria vaccination during the 2014- 2015 flu season using the PharmaJet device and agreed to complete a short post-administration survey. The population of was 54% female and 74% of all respondents reported receiving a flu shot the prior season. Overall, 89% of subjects reported being satisfied, very satisfied or extremely satisfied with the needle-free flu shot; 83% of subjects reported that they were likely, very likely or definitely going to choose flu vaccination by jet injection next year. The high degree of satisfaction with Afluria delivered through needle-free PharmaJet Stratis suggests that needle-free vaccination with jet injection may be widely accepted, improving compliance in the general adult population which currently has very low rates of immunization against flu.
Charles A Altman is a Board Certified Physician with nearly twenty years of pharmaceutical/biotechnology industry experience, specializing in medical affairs, medical information/communications and managing the medical science liaison function. He has worked within organizations both large and small across a broad range of therapeutic areas including vaccines, rare disease, immunology, musculoskeletal conditions, sleep/wake, addictions and psychiatry. Of particular interest to him is drug delivery utilizing novel device technology. In his spare time, he continues to provide direct patient care. He earned his degrees from Princeton University, the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine and Wharton.