Pediatrics & Therapeutics

Pediatrics & Therapeutics
Open Access

ISSN: 2161-0665

+44 1478 350008

Predictor factor in the occurance of febrile seizure in children in Gondanglegi Islamic Hospital, Malang, East Java, Indonesia

Joint Event on Pediatrics, Nutrition & Primary Healthcare Nursing

July 16-18, 2018 Dubai, UAE

Izzah Baridah and MTS Darmawan

General Practitioner, Hermina Hospital Balikpapan, Indonesia
Pediatrician, Dr. Sardjito Government General Hospital Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Posters & Accepted Abstracts: Pediatr Ther

Abstract :

Background: Febrile seizures are seizures that occur when there is an increase in body temperature (rectal temperature more than 38°C) because of extra cranium process. Febrile seizures usually occur before the age of 9 and after 5 years old. Several predictor factors that could cause the febrile seizures are age, fever, genetic factors, a history of problems faced during pregnancy and obstetrics, and infections. Febrile seizures can reoccur if fever were present again. The risk for recurrence range from 40-50%. Treatment of febrile seizures need immediate assistance to prevent permanent disabilities due to seizures and lack of knowledge about seizures of the people especially people still living in the country side. Therefore, it is important to know the predictor factor as it may be of use to overcome the problems mentioned above.

Objectives: To know the predictor factors that influence the incidence of febrile seizures in children in RSI Gondanglegi, Malang

Method: This research is an observational research that is retrospective with a cross-sectional study approach. Data is collected secondarily from health records of patient diagnosed febrile seizure. Data analysis is done multivariant with Chi square test.

Hasil: Predictor factor that influence the incidence of febrile seizure are temperature (OR 4,690; Crude OR a: CI Crude OR -; p 0,002), because of fever (OR 3,938; Crude OR a: CI Crude OR -; p 0,003) dan frequency of seizures in one episode of fever (OR 4,873; Crude OR 90,280: CI Crude OR 11,738-694,362; p 0,000).

Simulant: Predictor factors that influence the incidence of febrile seizures are temperature, the presence of fever, the frequency of seizures.

Biography :

Izzah Baridah has completed her Doctor from Islamic University of Indonesia studies. She is the Manager of Medical Services, General Practitioner at Hermina Hospital and Volunteer of 1000 guru Foundation. She has published 3 papers in reputed journals, more than 10 articles in Medicine on National Medical Magazine.


