ISSN: 2161-0932
Gabriela Bushinoska-Ivanova
Gynecology and Obstetrics Clicic-Skopje, Macedonia
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: Gynecol Obstet (Sunnyvale)
Introduction: In some cases, pregnancy can occur with large tumor mases in the abdomen. This compromises the pregnancy and asks for premature delivery or abortion, depending on when the tumor mass is diagnosed. The abdominal tumors which occur during pregnancy may be of gynecologic origin, other abdominal tumors, lymphomas or other undiagnosed abdominal masses. These masses need to be operated as soon as the pregnancy ends. It�s often difficult to diagnose them unless there are symptoms like pressure on the bowels, ileus, vomiting, weight loss and circulation problems. Conclusion: In rare cases, pregnancy can be compromised by large intra-abdominal tumors which can put the health of both the mother and the fetus in danger. It�s suggested that future mothers are regularly examined, prior to pregnancy, so that they can keep track of their health and ability to reproduce. The entire pregnancy period should be carefully observed, too, since the symptoms can sometimes lead to interdisciplinary examinations and consultations with other specialists. This will ensure mothers are healthy and can give birth to healthy offspring. Up to her 32nd g.w. the patient in this case report was only examined by her local gynecologist and was not submitted to secondary or tertial obstetrics examination, hence her condition couldn�t be diagnosed sooner.
Gabriela Bushinoska-Ivanova is a Gynecologist at Gynecology and Obstetrics Clinic-Skopje, Macedonia.