ISSN: 2161-0665
+44 1478 350008
Maurizio Giordano
AORN Santobono-Pausilipon-Annunziata, Italy
Posters & Accepted Abstracts: Pediat Therapeut
A female infant was born by natural birth with 46, XX. She was characterized phenotypically by cryptophthalmos, syndactyly, bilateral microtia and ambiguous genitalia. A prenatal ultrasound didn�t reveal or raised any suspects for the Fraser Syndrome. It only discovered a unilateral kidney agenesis. At birth the infant showed a severe respiratory distress, intubation was attempted but it failed. The baby was transferred to Santobono-Pausilipon III level hospital. A tracheostomy was performed successfully and saved her life. Computerized Tomography revealed left microphthalmos and a malformation like-coloboma into right ocular globe with cysts and a small calcification parietal anterior. Genetic test revealed the typical mutations in the gene FREM2 confirming the diagnosis of Fraser Syndrome. In her fourth month, after birth, the infant was subjected to an operation to reconstruct eyelids with a mucous membrane graft. The left renal function was normal. The baby showed a delay in motor milestones for visual impairment. At the 19th month follow-up, during a magnetic resonance it was revealed: a normal morphologic brain development, a thin presence in the right optic nerve and the visual cortex were developing.The prenatal diagnosis of Fraser Syndrome is frequently possible. The prenatal ultrasound can reveal features like polyhydramnios or oligohydramnios, echogenic lungs, renal abnormalities or agenesis and cryptophthalmos that are pathognomonic of the Fraser Syndrome. The health providers must keep in mind that if there are suspects of the Fraser Syndrome during prenatal exams, the infants could have a severe malformation in the respiratory tract.