Drug Designing: Open Access

Drug Designing: Open Access
Open Access

ISSN: 2169-0138

Preparation of nanotechnology as magnetically-resonant contrasting means during visualization of malignant tumor

4th Annual Congress on Drug Discovery & Designing

July 03-04, 2017 Bangkok, Thailand

Andrey Belousov and Ekateryna Belousova

Kharkov Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Ukraine

Posters & Accepted Abstracts: Drug Des

Abstract :

The task was set in an experiment on animals to check possibility of the use of the before worked out and studied methodology of intravenous insert of the standardized form water solution magnetite of nanoparticles (preparation of ICNB) for contrasting of malignant tumor at MRI research. The main purpose is to change the indexes of relaxation of T1 and T2 in area of malignant tumor during realization MRI by means nanoparticles of ICNB. Investigation on animals (Vistar rats) was the proof that magnetite of nanoparticles (ICNB) are contrast means for malignant tumor visualization. It was been shown that magnetite of nanoparticles have contrast effect when performing magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and was established, that after intravenous inject preparation of nanotechnology (ICNB) the magnetite of nanoparticles have selective accumulate in tumor and alter brightness of picture in 24- hours. On 4th day investigation was established significant decries of dynamic brightness of the picture of tumor and muscles. This fact is connected with elimination of the ICNB out of rat�s organism.

Biography :

Email: an.belousov2012@yandex.ua
